The idea for this project started with the initial idea expanding upon a previous project concerning LED 'graffiti'. However, after some research I have decided to focus more on the showmanship evident in pieces such as Capitalism by Steve Lambert. My intention is to create a series of signs to display the main conceptual focus for my piece. The variety of possible phrases and designs requires further research especially if the messages displayed are meant to be "rewarding" in some way to the audience. Another excellent point raised in class discussion was the topic of interaction and simplicity as in Capitalism by Steve Lambert requiring the audience participants to vote by pressing a button for interaction. Simplicity is another topic to be addressed as in the projection of the 'Sky' sign pointing up at the actual sky. Nick and myself had discussed both after the class and agreed that before the message can be decided upon it would be best to sort out the design of the pieces individually.
Another factor that will be important to consider is the location of the piece. Nick and myself both want to interact with a public and unassuming audience. For this reason we believe it may compliment both of our projects to be able to work together, especially considering his project deals primarily with audio and mine with visual, yet we are both attempting to tackle similar hardware together. I intend my piece to be an active and distracting agent facilitating the derailment of the average person's daily life and hope to pose thought-provoking statements or questions on my motion-activated sign to make people think about topics rarely addressed. These topics may concern current popular assumptions about the definitions of vast encompassing terms such as love, art, values, morality, humanity, etc...
Displayed below are two circuit diagrams I was considering for the backlit illumination of the signs. The second diagram seems more plausible currently.
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