Monday, October 26, 2015

10-5-15 Project Update

Per suggestion I have taken a look into various Augmented Reality platforms. The winner right now seems to be the free downloadable app Layar, however there are other multitudes of possibilities including working with Google Cardboard and Unity.

Zachary Cordisco and myself have decided to team up as we are both interested in utilizing this technology to advance our topics. I hope to be able to superimpose advertisement modifications for app users while Zach intends to focus on a post-apocalyptic rendition of a location in Reno. As of right now we have decided to attack this new software together to parse through the information and bounce ideas off of eachother.

We have found tutorials aiding our initial steps into Layar

currently we have both created accounts and have started exploration of the possibilities of Layar. One thing that is troubling both of us however is the ability to move freely around an environment with models staying at the same point in AR so it would be possible to walk toward a model and have it expand on ones mobile device. We have also signed up to be developers to access more advanced features in layar to input our own model data.

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